Club News
The Builder Blog
Happy Kiwanians playing at the Dominion Club.
Each year the Kiwanis Club of Richmond awards scholarship assistance to high school seniors on their way to college in the fall. We honored this year’s recipients June 5.
Kiwanis volunteers teamed up with one of our literacy partners, Carver Elementary, to distribute 400 books to their students during a unique book fair experience in the last week of March before spring break.
On March 15, eighteen Richmond Kiwanians were treated to a private, advance tour of the Children’s Hospital Wonder Tower and playroom, organized and conducted by our partners at the Children’s Hospital Foundation.
Last month our Club was nominated for the National Science Foundation’s Presidential Award for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Mentoring for our work with John B. Cary Elementary School.
On January 19, Governor and First Lady Youngkin and Virginia Secretary of Educuation Aimee Rogstad Guidera went to Carver Elementary to visit students, staff and Kiwanians and tour our Kiwanis Literacy Lab.
Richmond Kiwanians (donning our snazzy Kiwanis aprons) volunteered at the Salvation Army Angel Tree Distribution Center December 15, providing concierge services to the 700 families who came to pick up their Christmas gifts and coats.
November 15, 2022, after a three year hiatus because of Covid, Kiwanis had an amazing “Terrific Kid” recognition program at John B. Cary Elementary School.
The Kiwanis Club of Richmond’s first post-pandemic golf tournament on October 17 was a huge success, raising more than $36,000 to benefit ChildSavers’ mental health programs while providing a fun day of golf for Kiwanians and community supporters.
On Oct. 1 the Kiwanis Club of Richmond opened its newest Little Free Library at The House.
At his installation as club president for the 2022-23 Kiwanis year on Monday, Sept. 26, Jim Donahue laid out his vision for his administration.
On September 20 we had 6 members and 2 guests on hand to fill 1000 food backpacks for RPS children.
This year’s $10,000 Adopt-A-School grant was designated to upgrade Carver Elementry’s reading resource room. The week of August 25, 2022, the shelves arrived, well-ahead of the projected “back order” predicted time.
Every spring Kiwanis Club of Richmond awards a four-year $2,000/year scholarship named for long time Richmond Kiwanian Charlie Zoppa, who left a bequest to the Richmond Kiwanis Foundation to support this award. Not many of today’s Club members remember Charles Zoppa. Who was he?
After a two-year, pandemic-induced hiatus from classroom volunteering, Richmond Kiwanians finally returned to the classroom March 2 for Read Across America Day at Carver Elementary School.
Our Social Committee chaired by Susan Campbell and aided by a wonderful team (Brenda Davis, Frances Daniel, and Cathy Saunders) have planned a variety of monthly Kiwanis social events starting next month.
The primary focus of this ongoing Kiwanis Club project is to bring literacy opportunities to children by providing books with diverse characters, rich language, and stories that reflect the population of the communities we serve.
This year the Richmond Kiwanis Foundation will give away more than $60,000 in grants to our service partners and other community organizations, made possible by Kiwanis members’ continued generosity to our Annual Appeal and the responsible investment and management of these funds.
Our Club has a new opportunity that involves preparing food portions for food delivery through Meals on Wheels and other services. Activities include dividing large trays of food into separate portions or packaging drinks or other items included with the meal. The working environment is with paid employees and other volunteers. It is an air-conditioned kitchen area with specific workstations.
The Kiwanis Club of Richmond's Satellite members have been on the move to help children and adults have access to books where access is difficult otherwise. Thanks to our Kiwanis family and our Foundation, one Little Free Library has already been installed and actively used in front of the McKinney Vento office on W. Leigh Street. Three more libraries have been purchased and are ready to install, decorate and fill with books!
Fellow Kiwanians, I am looking forward to the time when virtual schooling is done and I can get back to some meetings! So many members have been kind in asking about how the Relationship Foundation has been doing during the pandemic, and I wanted to give everyone an update. As of right now, RFVA is thriving. Now more than ever, healthy relationships are needed. Divorce inquiries are on the rise, couples have been together in the house for a long time and people are still having babies.
Although the Club is not sponsoring Club-wide service projects with FeedMore and Salvation Army this Christmas season, we ARE encouraging members to contact these organizations individually to learn about opportunities they may have.

For many years the Kiwanis Club of Richmond published a newsletter called “The Builder.” The name was inspired by Kiwanis International’s former motto “We Build.” Just as the motto has changed, the publication has changed over the years. It began as a mimeographed edition produced weekly with a summary of the speaker’s presentation and other news. Somewhere along the way it became a four-page printed newsletter produced bi-weekly, and then monthly, then every other month, and finally quarterly.
In 2020 the Communications Committee decided to transition The Builder to an online-only blog format in order to provide timely and frequent communications with our members, and also with the greater community through our social media presence on Facebook and Twitter.
We also instituted a new weekly email newsletter called the Friday Flash – a digest of upcoming events and updates from the Club President and Executive Director, including information about speakers, service projects, and committee activities. To be added to the Friday Flash email list, contact Christy Jenkins at
Every few years, the Club executive committee makes adjustments to the structure of our organizational chart to better achieve the goals of our strategic plan. The latest restructuring, which will take effect at the start of the 2021/22 Kiwanis year, reflects recent changes in the size and priorities of the Club and aligns more closely with our core functions: membership, fellowship, club meetings, service, philanthropy, service-leadership programs, administration, and connection to the greater Kiwanis organization and mission.