The mission of the Kiwanis Club of Richmond is to improve the quality of life for children in the metropolitan area of Richmond by contributing the time and talents of the membership and the financial resources of the Club in an atmosphere of caring, service, fellowship and learning.
Our Club is actively involved in community service projects with a focus on children. We read and tutor in Richmond city schools, and we partner with local non-profits to make a tangible impact on the lives of our city’s young people. We also offer many other opportunities (both long-term and one-time events) to serve our community, including:
Annual Holiday Party at Children’s Hospital
FeedMore backpack program
Key Club service leadership programs in area high schools
Circle K (college-level service program) at Virginia Commonwealth University
Reading at Virginia Voice for the visually impaired
Bell ringing for the Salvation Army during the holidays
Water stops at the Monument Avenue 10K and Richmond Marathon races
Because so many of our service projects involve working directly with children, members are sometimes required by our partners to pass a routine background check, and our Club adheres to the Kiwanis International Youth Protection Policy.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Upcoming Service Opportunities
October 22 and 23rd, Free Book Fair at Carver Elementary. We need volunteers! Get more information here.