Kiwanis Sneak Peek Tour of Wonder Tower
Completion of Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU’s Wonder Tower was celebrated at a ribbon-cutting ceremony Tuesday, March 28. Under construction since 2019, the $421 million hospital will begin receiving patients April 30. The Kiwanis-funded younger children’s playroom is located on the top, 16th floor. Our $50,000 grant is recognized on the colorful Donor’s Wall in the Sky Lobby and next to the entry door of the playroom.
The Club was treated to a private, advance tour of the Tower and playroom on March 15. Eighteen Richmond Kiwanians participated. The lengthy and informative tour was organized and conducted by our partners at the Children’s Hospital Foundation.
The following day, March 16, fellow-member Ed Mazur reflected on the experience and penned this email to Stephanie Allen, Vice President of Community Development at CHoR.
Dear Stephanie,
This is just a short note to convey my personal thanks to you and your Foundation colleagues for providing my Kiwanis colleagues and me with such a fine and informative tour of the new in-patient facilities at the Children’s Hospital. As I was leaving from the tour, I could not help but think ahead to the time when the hospital will be filled with providers helping children and their parents. Over the years ahead the spaces we viewed will witness the emotions of fear, hope, gratitude, pain, and—sadly—loss. Through the efforts of so many talented individuals, I believe that these emotions will be eased and made more bearable by the wonderful physical spaces we observed.
With kindest regards,
Ed Mazur