Online Elections Provide New Leaders
The Covid-19 pandemic may have affected Club meetings and service projects, but thanks to guidance from Kiwanis International, our Club was still able to hold elections for next year’s officers and Board using electronic voting in May. Officers for the 2020-2021 Kiwanis year are as follows: Jim Donahue, Vice President; Bruce Tyler, President-elect; Harry Harris, President; Barbara Dickinson, immediate past President; Jack Newsom, Club Treasurer; and Charlie Trible, Foundation Treasurer.
Jim Donahue
Jonathan Chan
Brooke Doggett
Debbie Powers
Dick Rheutan
Errol Rohr
Incoming Board members are Jonathan Chan, Brooke Doggett, Debbie Powers, Dick Rheutan, and Errol Rohr; they join returning Board members Don Lecky, John Mahone, Dewey Morris, and Dick Thomas. Club Secretary is an appointed position and will be determined at the September Board meeting.
To each and every one who accepted the call to serve, thank you! Also, thank you to our current immediate past President and Nomination Committee Chair John Busch for his exceptional leadership in selecting a wonderful panel of Kiwanians to guide our Club as we navigate the unexpected challenges this new Kiwanis century has been serving up.