Serving the Children of Richmond

Club News

The Builder Blog

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For many years the Kiwanis Club of Richmond published a newsletter called “The Builder.” The name was inspired by Kiwanis International’s former motto “We Build.” Just as the motto has changed, the publication has changed over the years. It began as a mimeographed edition produced weekly with a summary of the speaker’s presentation and other news. Somewhere along the way it became a four-page printed newsletter produced bi-weekly, and then monthly, then every other month, and finally quarterly. 

In 2020 the Communications Committee decided to transition The Builder to an online-only blog format in order to provide timely and frequent communications with our members, and also with the greater community through our social media presence on Facebook and Twitter.

 We also instituted a new weekly email newsletter called the Friday Flash – a digest of upcoming events and updates from the Club President and Executive Director, including information about speakers, service projects, and committee activities. To be added to the Friday Flash email list, contact Christy Jenkins at