Serving the Children of Richmond

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Charles Zoppa Scholarship

Every spring Kiwanis Club of Richmond awards a four-year $2,000/year scholarship named for long time Richmond Kiwanian Charlie Zoppa, who left a bequest to the Richmond Kiwanis Foundation to support this award. Not many of today’s Club members remember Charles Zoppa. Who was he? Why do we award the scholarship? And, what have been the results?  

Charlie joined Kiwanis in 1936. He became a member of our Club in 1940 and was a very active member until his death in 1997 at age 90. As the long time treasurer, Charlie was a relentless recruiter of new members. His monthly reports to the board always included an exhortation to recruit more to replace membership losses. When he had an opportunity at a luncheon meeting he would deliver the same message to the audience. He was a dedicated Kiwanian.  

After his death, Charlie’s wife approached the Club with an offer to establish a memorial to him. Following her discussions with Club leadership, the Charles Zoppa Scholarship was established. There would be an annual award to the outstanding graduating Key Club member contributing to the expenses of four years of undergraduate study. It is funded with income from an endowment Mrs. Zoppa established with The Community Foundation serving Richmond and central Virginia. The endowment makes an annual grant to the Richmond Kiwanis Foundation, which the treasurer disburses to the current four scholars’ colleges and universities toward their tuition for the coming year. The current amount is $2,000 per year. 

Since the inception in 1998, more than $100,000 has been awarded to Zoppa scholars. Charlie’s legacy continues in the success of these young people in their academic careers and beyond.